Welcome to our Church
We meet to know, uphold, serve, love, and grow in and share Jesus Christ as Saviour
Join us for a time of worship
and Bible teaching.
Our 7:45am service is a more traditional Communion Service. Our 9:30am service features more contemporary music, with Communion every second week. During the 9:30am service creche, Kids@Church and Youth ministries are available. The 9:30am service is also live-streamed to YouTube.
If you need support, prayer, further information or other help you can ring the church on 08 9405 1325.If the matter is urgent my mobile is 0468 396 321.
May the Lord bless you and keep you safe.
Rev Neil Walthew – Senior Minister.
Upcoming Events

Mothers Union Wanneroo
Mother’s Union Event Wednesday March 19 10:30am at St Peter’s Wanneroo Clinical Psycologist Caroline Speaking to us on “Using Values to Cope with Change” All Welcome Morning Tea provided

Men’s Group
Next event to be advised. Any questions ring the church or send email to contacts

Women of Wanneroo
The WoW committee warmly invites you To our first event for 2025. Please come for a morning of informal chatting and catching up over morning tea. We have booked a table at: Leapfrogs Café 25 Drovers Place Wanneroo Saturday 22
We have many Bible Studies and Home Groups meeting around the area. If you would like to join a group, please contact the Senior Minister on 08 9405 1325.